
Bring opportunity closer to Africa’s talent and amplify the continent’s silent potential.


We seek to evenly distribute the world’s opportunity and create a future Africa can be excited about.

Core Values

Loyalty , Character , Service , Accountability , Community

US-Africa Business Week

The US-Africa Business Week is a launchpad for innovative events and opportunities worldwide.

It has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs since 2018 in business positioning ideas through its innovative events worldwide, global benchmarking programs, International exchange programs, and business process outsourcing ideas.

We're creating a more connected world and a new Africa we can be proud of.

Talent is equally distributed, opportunity is not. 

Our mission is to help change that and thus our organization has come to be known as the Center for International career training and professional development.

The US-Africa Business Week was founded on the premise of inspiring business leaders across the world. 

There’s a growing need for people to connect and event listings are perhaps one of the few things we uniquely do well.

The U.S Africa Business Week's infrastructural arm invests in the fields of education, ICT, and water sectors.

The development of regional and continental infrastructure has been on a high agenda for the U.S Africa Business Week. The U.S Africa Business Week runs a 'WASH Uganda' project that focuses on supporting the East African country in the area of water, sanitation, and hygiene. It has also supported the creation of access to clean water in several regions of Uganda.

US-Africa Business Week


We're so glad you're here! We know everyone's needs and opportunities are unique

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